How To Generate Self-Signed TLS Certificate in Linux

Generate Self-Signed TLS Certificate

How To Generate Self-Signed TLS Certificate TLS (Transport Layer Security)is cryptographic protocol for providing secure communications. To Generate Self-Signed TLS Certificate login as root user. Create certs directory. # mkdir /root/certs # cd /root/certs Generate certificate with openssl command line… Continue Reading

FFmpeg GPU Transcoding Examples


FFmpeg GPU Transcoding Examples For using FFmpeg hardware acceleration you need compile FFmpeg with NVIDIA NVENC support. How To Compile FFmpeg With NVENC H264 Hardware Encoder. Here is some examples how to use NVENC encoder. Basic FFmpeg GPU transcoding. Decoding… Continue Reading

Ubuntu 18.04 Set Static IP

Ubuntu 18.04 Set Static IP

Ubuntu 18.04 Set Static IP Ubuntu 18.04 LTS Server using new IP addresses configuring method. For network configuration Ubuntu 18.04 uses Netplan Netplan’s configuration files use the YAML format. Netplan configuration files can be found in: /etc/netplan/ directory. In this… Continue Reading

CUDA. Samples: Installed in /home/user/, but missing recommended libraries


CUDA. Samples: Installed in /home/user/, but missing recommended libraries After installing CUDA 10.1 in Ubuntu you may have error: Samples: Installed in /home/user/, but missing recommended libraries. Because some CUDA samples use third-party libraries which may not be installed by… Continue Reading

How To Install Open VM Tools Ubuntu 18.04

Install Open VM Tools Ubuntu 18.04

How To Install Open VM Tools Ubuntu 18.04   open-vm-tools is the open source implementation of VMware Tools The recommended way of installing VMware tools for a Ubuntu 18.04 VMware virtual machine is to install the native open-vm-tools and/or open-vm-tools-desktop… Continue Reading

How To Compile FFmpeg With NVENC H264 Hardware Encoder in Ubuntu 18.04

ffmpeg gpu acceleration

How To Compile FFmpeg With NVENC H264 Hardware Encoder in Ubuntu 18.04   To enable hardware acceleration transcoding in FFmpeg we need compile FFmpeg with NVENC h264 codec support.   Install necessary software: dpkg –add-architecture i386 apt-get update apt-get install… Continue Reading

How to Disable Nouveau Nvidia Driver on Ubuntu 18.04

Disable Nouveau Nvidia Driver on Ubuntu 18.04

How to Disable Nouveau Nvidia driver on Ubuntu 18.04 During NVIDIA drivers installation you may have an error: “ERROR: The Nouveau kernel driver is currently in use by your system. This driver is incompatible with the NVIDIA driver, and must… Continue Reading

List of SIP response codes


List of SIP response codes 1xx—Provisional Responses 100 Trying Extended search being performed may take a significant time so a forking proxy must send a 100 Trying response. 180 Ringing Destination user agent received INVITE, and is alerting user of… Continue Reading

Set Date, Time, Time Zone Change from Command Line in Linux


Set Date, Time, Time Zone Change from Command Line in Linux   In this article we will set Linux time, set date, hardware clock, change timezone from command line.   Linux Current Date And Time Get current date and time:… Continue Reading