Using tcpdump for SIP and RTP Diagnostic (tcpdump examples)

tcpdump sip and rtp

Using tcpdump for SIP and RTP Diagnostic (tcpdump examples) The tcpdump is a powerful command-line packet analyzer may use for for dumping traffic on a network. For more information about tcpdump options see man pages. Below you see tcpdump command… Continue Reading

List of SIP response codes


List of SIP response codes 1xx—Provisional Responses 100 Trying Extended search being performed may take a significant time so a forking proxy must send a 100 Trying response. 180 Ringing Destination user agent received INVITE, and is alerting user of… Continue Reading

How to enable DTMF logging or Debug on Asterisk


Asterisk logging parameters defined in /etc/asterisk/logger.conf So we need edit and save logger.conf Sample config: [general] [logfiles] console => notice,warning,error,dtmf messages => notice,warning,error ;verbose => notice,warning,error,verbose ;full => notice,warning,error,debug,verbose,fax After save the file, you need to reload the logger: asterisk… Continue Reading