Choose GPU To Be Used In FFmpeg
Choose GPU To Be Used In FFmpeg In this article i will show how to choose GPU card to be used by NVENC in FFmpeg if you have more than one NVIDIA video card. To see the list of all… Continue Reading
Choose GPU To Be Used In FFmpeg In this article i will show how to choose GPU card to be used by NVENC in FFmpeg if you have more than one NVIDIA video card. To see the list of all… Continue Reading
FFmpeg GPU Transcoding Examples For using FFmpeg hardware acceleration you need compile FFmpeg with NVIDIA NVENC support. How To Compile FFmpeg With NVENC H264 Hardware Encoder. Here is some examples how to use NVENC encoder. Basic FFmpeg GPU transcoding. Decoding… Continue Reading
How To Compile FFmpeg With NVENC H264 Hardware Encoder in Ubuntu 18.04 To enable hardware acceleration transcoding in FFmpeg we need compile FFmpeg with NVENC h264 codec support. Install necessary software: dpkg –add-architecture i386 apt-get update apt-get install… Continue Reading
How To Automatically Restart FFmpeg Linux On Error Here is example ffmpeg restart script. Create new script, for example and make that script executable: # chmod +x Edit file and add next commands: #!/bin/bash cmd=”ffmpeg YOUR_FFMPEG_COMMAND” until… Continue Reading
Restarting FFMPEG Using Monit How to monitoring and restarting ffmpeg using “Monit” utility. Monit is a free, open source process supervision tool for Unix and Linux. With Monit, system status can be viewed directly from the command line, or… Continue Reading
Nvidia GeForce products that are Kepler or Maxwell based are limited to two simultaneous video streams per system using NVENC hardware. Quadro products (Kepler or Maxwell) can encode more than 2 video streams. How to around this limit and run… Continue Reading
Deinterlacing MTS Video with ffmpeg $ ffmpeg -i input_file.MTS -vf yadif=1 -acodec ac3 -ab 192k -vcodec mpeg4 -f mp4 -y -qscale 0 deinterlaced.mp4 Just replace input_file.MTS with your input file name. ffmpeg you can download here.
Use Youtube-dl With FFmpeg How to Using youtube-dl with ffmpeg or How to grab YouTube video and re stream as live RTMP stream with FFMPEG First you need install youtube-dl and ffmpeg last version (because last ffmpeg builds supports https… Continue Reading
Bind Failed: Permission denied How to solve problem when you cant execute ffmpeg form user and ports are below 1024. In UNIX-like systems, non-root users are unable to bind to ports lower than 1024. You need to be root to… Continue Reading