Install locate on CentOS and Debian
Install locate on CentOS and Debian Use the following commands : Debian : apt-get install locate CentOS : yum install mlocate
Install locate on CentOS and Debian Use the following commands : Debian : apt-get install locate CentOS : yum install mlocate
Configure SNMP on Linux Ubuntu and Redhat Configure SNMP on Debian or Ubuntu To install SNMP agent (snmpd) on a Debian-based system, run the following command: apt-get install snmpd Then edit its configuration of /etc/snmp/snmpd.conf file. # Listen for connections… Continue Reading
How do I check a reverse PTR record From linux type: dig -x xx.yy.zz.aa xx.yy.zz.aa = The IP address you’re trying to resolve You’ll get an answer with your authority of and server resolving to this address. From windows… Continue Reading
7 Ping Very Useful Examples Ping command is used to find out whether the peer host/gateway is reachable. 1. Increase or Decrease the Time Interval Between Packets You can increase or decrease this using option -i as shown below. Decrease… Continue Reading
Nslookup Command Examples To Check DNS Records Find out the domain IP address / A record [root@web ~]# nslookup Server: Address: Non-authoritative answer: Name: Address: Find out the domain MX record [root@web ~]# nslookup… Continue Reading
Install nslookup on CentOS For install nslookup, dig, host you need bind-utils pakage. Just run the command: sudo yum install bind-utils
Fail2ban Unban Single Host run: iptables -L For example we need to unban Then get the actual jails list: fail2ban-client status Unban command is: fail2ban-client set jailname unbanip m.y.i.p For unban IP from asterisk jail run command: fail2ban-client… Continue Reading
Increase File Upload Size in PHP-Nginx How to fix “[error] client intended to send too large body” in Ubuntu Edit php.ini: vi /etc/php5/fpm/php.ini Set: upload_max_filesize = 10M post_max_size = 12M Then change Nginx config file: vi /etc/nginx/nginx.conf … Continue Reading
Install Rkhunter (Rootkit Hunter) in RHEL, CentOS Rkhunter is rootkit scanner for Linux systems. This tool scans for rootkits, backdoors and local exploits by running tests like: – MD5 hash compare – Look for default files used by rootkits –… Continue Reading
Install Apache, MySQL, PHP (LAMP) stack On CentOS 6 LAMP is software bundle of web service solution stacks, named as an acronym of the names of its original four components: the Linux operating system, the Apache HTTP Server, the MySQL… Continue Reading