How To Install Stress on Amazon Linux

In this article you will learn how to install Stress on Amazon Linux in 1 min.

Stress” is a Linux utility to load and stress a computer system.

Time needed: 1 minute

How To Install Stress on Amazon Linux in 1 min. step by step

  1. Log in into your AWS EC2 Amazon Linux Instance

    SSH Login into your AWS EC2 Amazon Linux Instance

  2. Install EPEL repository on Amazon Linux

    $ sudo amazon-linux-extras install epel -y

  3. Install stress with YUM package manager

    $ sudo yum install stress -y

Linux Stress usage example:

# stress --cpu 8 --io 4 --vm 2 --vm-bytes 128M --timeout 10s

-v, –verbose
be verbose
-q, –quiet
be quiet
-n, –dry-run
show what would have been done
-t, –timeout N
timeout after N seconds
–backoff N
wait factor of N microseconds before work starts
-c, –cpu N
spawn N workers spinning on sqrt()
-i, –io N
spawn N workers spinning on sync()
-m, –vm N
spawn N workers spinning on malloc()/free()
–vm-bytes B
malloc B bytes per vm worker (default is 256MB)
–vm-stride B
touch a byte every B bytes (default is 4096)
–vm-hang N
sleep N secs before free (default none, 0 is inf)
redirty memory instead of freeing and reallocating
-d, –hdd N
spawn N workers spinning on write()/unlink()
–hdd-bytes B
write B bytes per hdd worker (default is 1GB)


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