Cacti Host Status Unknown
Cacti Host Status Unknown If the status of your device remains ‘Unknown’, ensure that you have added graphs to that device. If there are no graphs, Cacti will not poll the device, and the status will remain ‘Unknown’.
Cacti Host Status Unknown If the status of your device remains ‘Unknown’, ensure that you have added graphs to that device. If there are no graphs, Cacti will not poll the device, and the status will remain ‘Unknown’.
Install nslookup on CentOS For install nslookup, dig, host you need bind-utils pakage. Just run the command: sudo yum install bind-utils
Fail2ban Unban Single Host run: iptables -L For example we need to unban Then get the actual jails list: fail2ban-client status Unban command is: fail2ban-client set jailname unbanip m.y.i.p For unban IP from asterisk jail run command: fail2ban-client… Continue Reading