Git Cheat Sheet for Developers

Introduction to Git

Git is a powerful distributed version control system that enables developers to track code changes, collaborate with others, and manage project versions efficiently. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced coder, mastering Git can significantly improve your productivity. Here is the ultimate Git cheat sheet to help you with everyday Git commands, tips, and workflows.

Getting Started with Git

To begin using Git, you’ll first need to install it. Here’s a quick guide to getting started:

  1. Install Git: Download Git here and follow the installation instructions for your operating system.
  2. Configure Git:
git config --global "Your Name"
git config --global "[email protected]"

Basic Git Commands

Create a New Repository

git init

Initializes a new Git repository in the current directory.

Clone a Repository

git clone <repository-url>

Check Repository Status

git status

Shows the status of changes as untracked, modified, or staged.

Stage Changes

git add <filename>

Stages a specific file

git add .

Stages all changes.

Commit changes

git commit -m "Your commit message"

Commits the staged changes to the repository with a descriptive message.

View Commit History

git log

Branching and Merging

Create a New Branch

git branch <branch-name>

Switch to a Branch

git checkout <branch-name>

Switches to the specified branch.

Create and Switch to a New Branch

git checkout -b <branch-name>

Creates a new branch and switches to it.

List all Branches

git branch -a

Merge a Branch

git merge <branch-name>

Merges the specified branch into the current branch.

Delete a Branch

git branch -d <branch-name>

Deletes the specified branch.

Remote Repositories

View Remote Repositories

git remote -v

Displays the list of remote repositories.

Add a Remote Repository

git remote add <name> <url>

Adds a new remote repository.

Fetch Changes from Remote

git fetch <remote>

Downloads changes from the remote repository but does not merge them.

Pull Changes from Remote

git pull <remote> <branch>

Fetches and merges changes from the specified branch.

Push Changes to Remote

git push <remote> <branch>

Pushes committed changes to the specified branch on the remote repository.

Delete Remote Branch

If you want to delete the branch named feature-branch from the origin remote:

git push origin --delete feature-branch


Identify the Remote: origin is the name of the remote repository. Use git remote -v to list remotes if you’re unsure.

Specify the Branch Name: Replace feature-branch with the name of the branch you want to delete.

Advanced Git Commands Stash Changes

Stash Changes

git stash

Temporarily saves changes and reverts the working directory to a clean state.

Apply Stashed Changes

git stash apply

Applies the most recent stash.

Revert a Commit

git revert <commit-hash>

Creates a new commit that undoes the changes from the specified commit.

Reset to a Specific Commit

git reset --hard <commit-hash>

Resets the current branch to the specified commit and discards all changes after it.

Git Best Practices

  • Write Descriptive Commit Messages: Clearly describe what each commit does for easy navigation of project history.
  • Keep Branches Small and Focused: Work on a single feature or bug fix per branch to simplify collaboration.
  • Regularly Pull Changes: Keep your local repository up to date with the latest changes from the remote repository.
  • Review Changes Before Committing: Use git diff to see what has changed.


Mastering Git commands can greatly improve your workflow, collaboration, and version control. Keep this Git cheat sheet handy to quickly reference essential commands.

How to Squash All Commits in GitLab
