How to mount FreeNAS NFS share on Ubuntu Linux with write permissions

How to mount FreeNAS NFS share on Ubuntu Linux with write permissions

This guide explains how to configure NFS share on FreeNAS. And mount FreeNAS NFS share on Ubuntu Linux with read and write permissions to avoid FreeNAS NFS permission denied error.

Network File System (NFS) allows a system to share directories and files with others over a network. By using NFS, users and programs can access files on remote systems almost as if they were local files.

For adding NFS share on FreeNAS goto: Sharing -> Unix (NFS) -> Add Unix (NFS) Share

FreeNAS NFS Share

Set path  and don’t forget add “Authorized networks”, “Maproot User”.


On Ubuntu NFS client machine we need install NFS client software:

sudo apt-get install nfs-common

Create new folder (VOD for example):

mkdir /home/user/VOD

Then mount NFS share:

sudo mount /home/user/VOD/

Now we are connected with the NFS share. If we restart client machine share will be unmounted.


For permanent mount NFS share at client end on startup we need to add the NFS share in fstab file on Linux client.

nano /etc/fstab

and add next line into fstab file: /home/user/VOD/ nfs defaults    0 0

Now NFS share will mounted on startup after reboot.

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