Ubiquiti Stuck Updating

Sometime when you trying update Ubiquiti UniFi AP old firmware updating status may stuck in Network Management Controller GUI. And UniFi AP keeps rebooting.

To Fix Ubiquiti Stuck Updating problem we need manual upgrade UniFi firmware.

Reset UniFi AP

Sometime when you trying update Ubiquiti UniFi AP old firmware updating status may stuck in Network Management Controller GUI. And UniFi AP keeps rebooting.

To Fix Ubiquiti Stuck Updating problem we need manual upgrade UniFi firmware.

Reset UniFi AP

To hard reset UniFi AP to factory default, connect UniFi an then press and hold the reset button for 10 seconds until LEDs stop glowing and release button.

Manual upgrade Ubiquiti UniFi AP firmware

SSH into UniFi with using any SSH client.

Ubiquiti UniFi AP default SSH login and password:





After download newer firmware and upgrade UniFi AP

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# cd /tmp
# wget https://dl.ubnt.com/unifi/firmware/BZ2/ --no-check-certificate
# mv BZ.ar7240.v4.0.15.9872.181229.0259.bin fwupdate.bin
# syswrapper.sh upgrade2 &
# cd /tmp # wget https://dl.ubnt.com/unifi/firmware/BZ2/ --no-check-certificate # mv BZ.ar7240.v4.0.15.9872.181229.0259.bin fwupdate.bin # syswrapper.sh upgrade2 &
# cd /tmp
# wget https://dl.ubnt.com/unifi/firmware/BZ2/ --no-check-certificate
# mv BZ.ar7240.v4.0.15.9872.181229.0259.bin fwupdate.bin
# syswrapper.sh upgrade2 &

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